Friends of Suomi Hall
Formerly known as: United Finnish Kaleva Brothers & Sisters, Astoria Lodge #2
Founded in 1886
We are a non-political and non-religious organization
A non-profit 501(c)(3) organization
Membership Info
We wish to emphasize that all contact information provided by you is considered confidential, and will only be used in order to contact members for Lodge related events and activities; it will never be shared with another organization.
We are pleased to inform you that your membership offers you many opportunities, in which we would be delighted to have you join in, including opportunities to participate in cooking and baking of traditional Finnish foods; to be part of the restoration of Suomi Hall; enjoy and take part in all of the festivities and traditions surrounding the Scandinavian Festival, including princess selection; and opportunities to assist in providing scholarships to students of Finnish heritage.
In addition, your membership in Friends of Suomi Hall includes membership in the Finlandia Foundation National This organization offers a wealth of cultural and educational opportunities to learn about and celebrate our Finnish heritage. To learn more, please go to:
Our auxiliary is the group that makes and sells prune tarts, rice pudding and fruit soup, laksloda, and of course, prepares the lutefisk luncheon! They would welcome new members.
We welcome your special skills, talents and enthusiasm!
We have several committes you may be interested in, such as:
- Auxiliary
- Princess
- Membership
- Building Renovation
- Culture & Heritage
- Scholarship
- Media
- Other